what does it feel like to be stunned by a stun gun

  1. BJE

    Nov 22, 2006
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    I was just wandering what it felt like? How much did it hurt? Would if stop you if you really wanted something that you couldn't have? Delight share your stories with me, I am looking to get i, and just wandering whether they work more than on shutting down nerve responses or hurting or both.
  2. VWTim

    May 17, 2006
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    Taser'south are proficient, most stun guns are useless for real defense force. I've got some videos of a drunken night where we shocked each other with a stun gun. Information technology hurt, but just for a 2nd, and didn't stop you from doing what you were before.
  3. Adrena1in

    Nov 22, 2006
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    I think one of the most "useful" pranks I e'er saw on Jackass was where they tested some sort of pepper spray and a Tazer-blazon thing. He only laughed when he was Tazered, (though it did put him on the floor), merely the Pepper Spray really immobolised him.

    Just no, I've never been Tazered. Used to hold onto electric fences when I was kid though, then touch people if they came as well close! ;D

  4. VinnyP
    • In Omnia Paratus

    Aug 18, 2006
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    Tazer doesn't really "hurt" although information technology'south far from pleasant. Information technology just makes y'all collapse and experience like all your body is in spasm until the current is switched off. Pepper spray oh yep that hurts.
  5. JonSidneyB
    • Ambassador

    Staff Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    A girlfriend from a decade agone did, she just wanted to meet if information technology worked. So she idea it would be fun to chase her brother with it and endeavour to get him.

  6. Lunal_Tic

    May 22, 2006
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    Just a hit from a 90K volt "stun" flashlight. Information technology gets your attention and then you'd motion abroad chop-chop but it wasn't debilitating.


  7. Disector

    May twenty, 2006
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    Stun guns are only unpleasant. Taser X-26 is the nearly PAINFUL thing I've ever experienced, imagine someone sratching your spine with a fork while an elephant sits on yous. Several of the guys I work with said if they have to be shocked again to recert that they just won't do it. On the street I've seen at least 2 people moisture their pants.
  8. Sharpdogs

    Apr xiii, 2006
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    Kind of, I tested my German language Shepherds preparation shock collar on myself. Hurt like heck. I decided to throw it out. I pamper my dogs. We had a guy in college you used to zap the metal frames of the beds people were sleeping on. A lot of blasphemous and yelling but not a bear witness stopper. The ASP baton his roomate had was much more effective.
  9. boomstick

    October 24, 2006
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    Nosotros used pillow cases filled with combat boots but thats another story and it was only until someone arm got broken.

    Not been washed by a taser or stun gun only I take had a belt from a automobile dizzy cap and that felt like I'd put my mitt on a steel work bench and smacked it with a hammer as hard as I tin :knuppel2:

  10. quietmike

    October 21, 2006
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    I was non at all impressed with asp batons, having used them twice while a LEO without any issue I gave mine abroad. Some pepper spays work great, Freeze +P and Zark Vexor are my two choices. Regular stun guns are almost like an electric fence, painful but non debilitating. Tazers on the other hand are the best non-lethal matter I've ever seen. The preparation video shows a full grown Brahma bull being hit and it instantly falls and stays downward until the current is stopped. I've NEVER seen ANYONE fight their way through a tazer. The frequent fliers at our jail who had been hit past one only had to be threatened to be tazed again and they would stop what they were doing. No one wanted to "ride the lightning" once again!
  11. Mitfox

    May 18, 2006
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    I've feel with taser X26 before. I'm a average size guy, ane.77m, 65Kg. My only experience with X26 is sitting on the floor, mentally and physically prepared to be tasered. I was able to withstand the current going through the body. (1 squeeze of the trigger last 5secs)
    But no one from my unit was able to stand on both feet subsequently beingness shot at. Period :express joy:
  12. Toolboy

    Jun nineteen, 2006
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    I think beingness tazed is one of the more than unpleasant things I've e'er had done to me. Of course, after the initial five seconds you feel fine, unlike pepper spray which tin can be unpleasant for an hour.

    I've seen the taser not work several times- but it is because the person isn't darted properly. If you get both darts, you are going down- catamenia.

    Stun guns are sorta dumb. Sure they hurt and brand you jump back. And then you lot get pissed and pummel the person who just shocked you. I wouldn't always use i.

  13. doctorbenny

    doctorbenny Empty Pockets

    May 20, 2006
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    To those belittling the effects of stun guns: Were you hit with a puny footling stungun, or something serious in the range of 500,000+ volts?
  14. louiebob

    louiebob BST/Market ban

    Jul xxx, 2010
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    I own a 800,000 volt stun gun called the zap stick which I EDC. I was shocked with it in order to see if it really worked (wanted to make sure since I was depending on it to a certain degree). I was shocked through several layers of clothing and it felt like i was being burned with a soldering iron on that part of my limb (it hurt BAD). While I am more than than confident I can support my stun gun with potent defensive tactics, it is an excellent tool to make someone get off y'all or make someone allow get in the outcome you lot are being high-strung or assaulted in a similar way.
  15. FreestyleAssassin

    Jun 15, 2010
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    I have never been tased with a Taser brand stun device. I have however been shocked (repeatedly) with a "300,000 volt" stun gun and a couple of other brands of various lesser voltages. I don't call back the specific model of the 300,000 volt but it was supposedly reputable and took two nine volt Batteries as its power supply.

    I had been told that the "theory" behind a stun gun is that equally the homo body sends impulses via electricity, therefore if you innovate enough electricity into the body the brain gets all confused and starts mixing up signals causing plummet. Having been shocked by a stun gun I did not detect this to exist the case.

    Offset let me say that the 300,000 volts WAS incredibly unpleasant. Withal, once you got to know what to expect, it wasn't quite equally bad. A short Buzz,Z,Z from a stun gun is NOT going to drop you to the ground similar in the movies. I am not trying to sound like a tough guy. It did not drop me or any of the other guys who tried it (at to the lowest degree 5 others).

    Anyway, we tried upping the duration of the shocks to encounter if we could reach some manner of disorientation, even tried different locations on the body with longer and longer duration. Still, NO Die! Nosotros would get shocked for 10-20 sec. Walk beyond the room, bend over pick something up, try to push over the guy who just got stunned with non the least bit note worthy after effect. I guy even went then far as to take information technology on the side of the neck for five-10 seconds. You would call back that this would have the best run a risk of mixing a guy up, merely it didn't.

    So to add more than hearsay to the mix after all the experimenting, another guy (who I might add was non participating in getting shocked) tells u.s. that its not the voltage but the amperage.....

    What do I know? Not much more now than I did before. I know that Taser claims that their production will drop pretty much anyone (Met the Taser reps once at the shot show). Why, I tin can't say. Maybe because the Taser uses x-number of volts combined with x-number of amps or perhaps considering the electrodes are a substantial altitude autonomously causing a broader spectrum of muscles to spasm. They are no longer immune to demonstrate the Taser at the shot testify but the reps had offered to Tase me off site if I really wanted to. Perhaps fortunately for me, when I called that evening the rep didn't respond his phone or render my call.

    Although it doesn't make sense to me that Tasers would "work" and stun guns not, supposedly over 150 people a yr are killed by Tasers. Maybe getting shot/shocked in the back unexpectedly is role of what makes the Taser make effective, although people also apparently get dropped from getting shocked with the electrodes on the front side of the trunk...

    There are hundreds of videos of people "playing" with stun guns on youtube. Enough to make it seem like a joke. Maybe the Taser is incredibly effective vs a stun gun or maybe on the business relationship that Tasers are substantially more expensive is why you don't see people messing around with them on youtube.

    I half wonder if people fall down from Tasers because they are programed to believe that they will fall down. For instance, I take seen some people collapse from stun guns on youtube and in my feel that seems unreasonable! I tin can certainly understand people submitting to repeated electrical shock that they can't get abroad from. Information technology certainly makes resisting arrest suddenly seem like a very bad/painful idea.

  16. VinnyP
    • In Omnia Paratus

    Aug xviii, 2006
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    It's the gap betwixt the barbs that makes the difference. If you "Drive stun" with a taser it hurts, a lot but information technology doesn't crusade nervous disruption, this is simply like a stun gun it gets compliance by pain. If you are striking by the barbs later on they spread more than about six -8 " autonomously and so you tin can't do anything your muscles no longer practise what you tell them until the current stops. There are no reported cases of anyone being killed past a taser in the aforementioned mode every bit someone being killed by a bullet. It can exist a cistron in making something else kill people though.
  17. Boy SureFire

    Boy SureFire May The Bridges I Burn Low-cal The Way

    December 3, 2009
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    Due to my lifestyle of trying to stay out of problem, I've never been on the shocking cease of a taser... I'd beloved to effort it though... Tasing someone that is to say. I'd assume If you're a criminal being tased is better and so being shot dead. The taser at least gives you a risk of living, & it has the added benefit of not making your body wait similar Swiss cheese (maybe less painful then beanbag rounds as well?).

    "We've got a runner"

  18. Turbolax1

    Jun ii, 2010
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    Been "stunned" and Tasered. Non much to say about the stun guns. I wouldn't bet my life on it.

    Being Tasered was the worst pain of my life. It was horrible. I'm pretty sure I invented new curse words in those few seconds. The funny matter though, was after the ride, I felt elated. Sort of an afterglow.

    I've deployed the Taser several times and agree with Toolboy. Information technology has it's limitations and you lot amend have a plan "B" in example the probes don't stick.

    For some existent fun, try the daze knife. It adds significant "motivation" to your preparation sessions.


  19. VinnyP
    • In Omnia Paratus

    Aug eighteen, 2006
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    I am willing to bet far more take died afterward drinking java and as nosotros know an atrocious lot of people die in their sleep. And so it doesn't actually matter what they were doing before they died unless you think that coffee or sleep "Acquired" all those deaths. If you lot read the study you quoted yous will find it comee to the same conclusion A taser will enhance someones stress levels and will make them fall over. Both of these things can, in rare circumstances add to other factors to kill y'all and that is why a Taser can be a contributory factor in injury or death. But and so long every bit information technology'due south non used on someone who is otherwise compliant it is less lilely to do either of those things than the alternatives.


Source: https://www.edcforums.com/threads/has-anyone-here-been-shocked-by-either-a-taser-or-stun-gun.40714/

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